Saturday, February 27, 2010

SSRS Excel file Sheet rename

SSRS 2005/2008 supports rendering the reports in Excel, PDF, HTML, MHTML, Image, etc.
For business purpose, we mainly generate reports in excel format with large number of sheets.
By default, the sheet numbers are sheet1, sheet2, etc. which cant be directly used for business and we cant change it manually on daily basis.

For those purpose, this project will help you to generate the excel file from SSRS report and change the sheet names.

Wss 3.0 - Content Management System

WSS 3.0 wont support user to deploy the content in the specified time duration.

It will publish content at the time of saving the data. We can enable publish content in WSS by small changes.

This project will enable user to publish the content in the front page of the screen at the specified time